The Founders - A Strong Beginning - Years of Struggle, Years of Triumph (1953-1982)
Our rich history began in 1953 when Bishop Charlie F. Roberson Sr. was led to purchase two lots on West Gwinnett Street in Savannah, Georgia to build a house and a place of worship. Unfortunately, before he could fully realize this dream he suffered a stroke and it seemed as if the dream would end but God had other plans. Despite a few setbacks and after many years of evangelizing and planting churches throughout the region, the True Light Church (formerly the True Light Church of Christ) was incorporated on October 5, 1953 with Bishop Roberson Sr. and five trustees, Agnes Nelson, W.L. Weaver, W. A Simmons, Isaiah Marshall and Raymond D. Hendricks.
Service was held in a tent on the grounds of 1414 West Gwinnett Street until the building of the new edifice was completed. Despite Bishop Roberson Sr’s disability and illness, he continued to hold services. He often quoted one of his favorite scriptures, “…be thou faithful until death and I will give thee a crown of life.” (Revelation 2:10). The church’s membership fluctuated during these challenging years, but Bishop Roberson Sr. continued to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and many souls were saved. On April 16, 1974, the Lord called Bishop Roberson Sr. from labor to reward.
After his death, Mother Maggie Roberson and the few remaining saints tried to continue the work. Those were extremely hard years for the small congregation. However, they pressed forward until Mother Roberson’s health began to fail. With True Light’s matriarch battling health issues, the church doors closed for a season. However, the Lord spoke to Mother Roberson through a vision. In it, a man came to her and said, “occupy until I come”. She took this as a sign to reopen the doors of church. She faithfully heeded the instruction, but her health challenges continued.
In 1982, Mother Roberson became too weak to continue leading the church. So, she asked her son, Bishop Charlie F. Roberson Jr. who was already pastoring the Mount Calvary C.O.G.I.C. in Philadelphia to become pastor of the church. He agreed to take on the additional responsibility and was confirmed by God and accepted by the Saints. In September 1986, after years of faithful service, Mother Roberson went home to be with the Lord and Bishop Roberson Jr. and the few remaining saints continued forward.

Bishop Charlie F. Roberson Sr.
and Mother Maggie E. Roberson
Bishop Charlie Roberson Jr. -Years of Expansion and Growth (1982-2018)
In 1982, Bishop Charlie F. Roberson Jr. became the Senior Pastor of True Light Church of Savannah, Georgia. Prior to his installation as Pastor, it seemed that the ministry would fail and that the doors of the church would be permanently closed. Instead, True Light continues to flourish. In October 1998, True Light purchased, renovated and occupied its current church site, located at 1010 East Duffy Street. The church building rests on a site that expands the length of one city block, the results of a building project that took visionary leadership, uncommon faith and unprecedented unity expressed in large part through the sacrificial giving of the True Light saints. Bishop Roberson Jr.’s spiritual leadership of the church has helped to make the True Light Pentecostal Church a stable beacon of light that continues to shine brightly.
The year 2004 was a year of great transition for Bishop Roberson both in his personal life and ministry. His wife Nellie, whom he loved, cherished and faithfully cared for with dignity and respect for nearly 50 years, went home to be with the Lord. Around this time, he also accepted the higher calling of episcopal leadership.
Bishop Roberson Jr. was consecrated as Bishop in God’s holy and sacred church on July 3, 2005, with full apostolic succession. At this time, he became the Presiding Bishop of the Kingdom Legacy Alliance, the organization he founded after God conceived in his heart the vision to bring greater unity, fellowship and collaboration among independent churches in the northern and southern regions of the United States. The Kingdom Legacy Alliance is in covenant relationship with Bishop Eugene Reeves and the Eagles Rock Communion of Christian Leaders, (ERCCL). In 2005, Bishop Roberson moved back to Savannah and established the general headquarters for the Kingdom Legacy Alliance there. Bishop Roberson was a distinguished member of the ERCCL Council of Bishops, for fourteen years.
On September 9, 2018, Bishop Roberson Jr. officially retired from the pastorate at the age of 85 and being led by the Lord, installed his youngest daughter, Dr. Kathleen Roberson as his successor and the new Senior Pastor of True Light Pentecostal Church. This changing of the guard ushered in a new era of pastoral leadership to the church and continued service to the Savannah community.
On Sunday morning April 7, 2019, after a short illness, Bishop Roberson Jr. transitioned peacefully and triumphantly to his heavenly home. His final days were spent surrounded by his loving family.
"Having therefore obtained help from God, [We] continue to this day..." Acts 26:22

The Late Bishop Charlie F. Roberson Jr.